Monday, May 31, 2010

Tiny font...

I apologize for the font being so tiny... It won't allow me to make it bigger and I'm not sure why. Every time I change it to a larger font it just goes back to this one. Any suggestions? Well actually this post had bigger font. Now I'm just all sorts of confused.


  1. Your blog is great. Very professional. You provide some personal information but do not focus on it. Your target audience is obvious to me since we are all required to do the same blogs but now I am wondering if I might add to my blog why I am doing this. Will your blog be a success? I think it is very well done. It looks great and I see no flaws. I am a complete amateur with blogging but really, this looks fantastic.!!

  2. Aw thank you so much! I have never done this either but the phrase "fake it till you make it" comes to mind. I hope it will be a success!
